Sunday, May 14, 2017

Day 1 - Talisman's Intentions.

1. Drink Water - Yes
2. Yoga - Yes
3. Walk - 6500
4. Be grateful - I am grateful for my Mother, she gave me everything she could.
5. Build/Create - No
6. Be still - Yes
7. Positive - I am brave.
8. NO junk - Piece of Mother's Day Cake
9. "Fix" - Sorted Lego
10. Seek pleasure. - Spent the day with my boys.
Score: 9/10

30 Day Action -  Set a talisman; Inspire its intentions.
I am using a simple silver bracelet as my talisman.  It's something I rarely wear, so committing to wear it for the 30 days will be a physical reminder as well as a mental prompt to keep its intention fresh in my mind.  This bracelet's intention is to live again on my terms, embrace each step of this journey with wanderlust and excitement.  This talisman reminds me that my story isn't over yet.

30 Day Journal Prompt - What was the seed that inspired you to start this challenge?
I feel broken.  There is a tiny part of me, buried under regret, sadness, guilt, feelings of worthlessness, other people lies and broken promises that wants to break free. The quest to feel pure joy by just being yourself, and by being okay to be just by yourself.

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