1. Water - Yes
2. Yoga - 10 (House Guest)
3. Walk - No
4. Be grateful - I am grateful for JB.
5. Build/Create - Adventure Time
6. Be still - Yes
7. Positive - I am determined.
8. NO junk - Yes
9. "Fix" - Groceries etc.
10. Seek pleasure. - 4am JB-vision
30 Day Action
Choose one of the determined micro-challenges: examples Brush Teeth with Opposite Hand, Carry Something Tempting, Chew Each Bite 30 Times.
The idea....
Remember, it is in the small, seemingly insignificant things that we begin to flex our brave muscle and adopt a new normal.
The reality...
These action are lame, and I mean LAME. I really feel like these are not challenging and feel more like stupid pet tricks...but I will do it... for SCIENCE.
30 Day Journal Prompt(s) -
What has previously interfered with my ability to perform? (e.g. limiting beliefs, values, people, systems, etc)
Well, procrastination, negative self talk or self worth, laziness, and money, or lack there of, is inferring with my ability to perform. None of which are insurmountable, but often in the forefront of my thinking. I do know when push comes to shove I can manage, but often its just not worth the effort. Or is no longer worth the effort.
Which of these are external limitations, and which are internal?
All of these are internal limitations, however, I guess if push came to shove you could argue money is an external, however, my ability to earn more money is directly related to and a result of the other internal issues mentioned above. The only other external limitation is the lack of being able to share this journey with a like minded individual that willingly believes in the journey and me. I have a lot of supportive friends, some of whom actually even grok me, but a partnership is lacking and does hinder my will to "fight".
Random Ponderings -
"My lot in life has been determined by the actions I have and haven't taken. Today, I will do what I know needs to be done to accomplish what I’ve set out to achieve. I have the will and skill to fight through resistance. To understand the fears that I encounter, not run from them, and in turn, I will overcome them."
Such a nice thought... can someone lend me a backbone? Spineless mindless jellyfish.
I feel much better physically than I have expected. Such a nice surprise. Emotionally I am up and down, definitely more UP than down, which is also a great surprise... however, I think my biggest issues around depression is not actually the depression, but the deep dark fears of how big, dark and ugly the next round will be. The fear of how bad the bite from the big black dog will wound me.
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