1. Drink Water - Yes
2. Yoga - 15
3. Walk - Yes
4. Be grateful - I am grateful for my good friend E.
5. Build/Create - Layout for BF
6. Be still - Yes
7. Positive - I am present.
8. NO junk - Yes
9. "Fix" - Packed & delivered order
10. Seek pleasure. - Meeting with a friend
Score: 10/10
"I will not allow my past fears and failures to limit the potential of who I could become today. Only this present moment, holds the opportunity for powerful life-changing action. As I live today in the present moment, I free myself from any stress of the past and anxiety for the future."
30 Day Action - Today's action is to focus on the present. To not allow future anxiety or past failures to be in the mind. To only focus on what my current goal is. Added a specific meditation for this process as well as working on the negative self talk. I am present and I am enough. https://intentioninspired.com/one-minute-meditation
30 Day Journal Prompt - Address a past moment that has left me feeling powerless or afraid.
Moments in the past that have left me feeling powerless or afraid tend to always be about three things, Firstly, when I am losing myself to be something else someone else needs or wants. And more so, the failing of becoming that person. Secondly, the paralyzing fear of my own depression and how it can get a hold of me, but even more so, how it effects others around me. Lastly, a fear of trust because of the lies that have been told.
Random Ponderings - As Im working through this process I am starting to see that there are many other areas of my life Im willing or wanting to change, or at least tweak. I am nervous to add too many changes at one, so I will leave this link for my future self to check out again.
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