Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Day 3 - Looking in the Mirror

1. Drink Water - Yes
2. Yoga - No, hormones have my back enraged.  Tub soak instead.
3. Walk - In the yard, didnt make it far, but enjoyed the flowers.
4. Be grateful - I am grateful for my hobby.
5. Build/Create - Doodled
6. Be still - Yes
7. Positive - I am enough.
8. NO junk - Yes
9. "Fix" - Cleaned mosaic aftermath.
10. Seek pleasure. - Posted my latest creative effort and smiled with every positive comment.
Score:  9/10

"My capacity to confidently charge forward relies solely on my ability to know who I am, and who I want to be. Through self-awareness, I can begin to leverage my strengths and accept my weaknesses. This deeper understanding helps me mindfully manage emotional reactions and skillfully navigate challenging situations."

30 Day Action - Be self aware.  Ask friends to define your best and worst qualities.
I asked two people this question, this is what they said...
My best quality is my resilience, my ability to support and empathize, and my worst quality is pessimism and that anger too quickly and too deeply.  I feel these are pretty fair assessments of who I am.

30 Day Journal Prompt - One of my greatest strengths has always been …​
                                        One of my greatest weaknesses that I acknowledge …

One of my greatest strengths has always been to read people, to feel what they are going through, to help them speak out about their hidden self.  ​Empathy.  I feel I am a good friend, very loyal and dependable.  I feel like I support my friends through their journeys and that I am genuinely happy for their successes.

One of my greatest weaknesses that I acknowledge is expecting too much from others.  I have high expectations that are probably unrealistic.  This is what leads me into anger with others and the feeling of disappointment,  I usually internalize these feeling into not feeling worthy of someones effort or not feeling like I am good enough.  I also interrupt entirely too much, and I should realize that is a huge sign of being disrespectful to others.

Random Ponderings - The feedback I received from my "you are..." mosaic reminds me that this a journey I walk alone, but never am truly alone.  People are surviving this battle every day and when people speak or reach out, using the arts as a conduit, the result is touching and soul soothing.

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