Monday, May 15, 2017

Day 2 - Rhythm and Blues

1. Drink Water - Yes
2. Yoga - 15
3. Walk - To school with Alex.
4. Be grateful - I am grateful for my children, and I am proud of the MEN they have become.
5. Build/Create - Mosaic
6. Be still - Yes
7. Positive - I am committed.
8. NO junk - Yes
9. "Fix" - Packed Orders. Transcripts.
10. Seek pleasure. - Tea with Friend
Score:  10/10

30 Day Action - Be accountable.
I will hold myself accountable to completing these 30 days by not only stating it here, also by committing to completing 8 out 10 things on my "To Do" list, and setting a no travelling penalty if I do.  If I do not complete this journey, no WDW or southern trip for 2017.  I am hoping the repetitive nature of doing these steps, many of which I am putting into my morning rituals will set long term habits.

30 Day Journal Prompt - Staying committed to my goal is important to me because...?
Well in its purist form, if I dont prove to myself I am worth it, how would I ever expect anyone else to believe it. Putting myself first is something I have never been focused on and I already can see positive results, even with my current raging hormones.  However I have a great history of setting rhythms that play into the "blues"... avoiding others and the world by sleeping or zoning out or pushing people away.  I make it easy to not love me, therefore when you dont, I get exactly what I expected.  I dont have much more to say about why this goal is important, only because I have always know it to be true and its what has held me back for year.  Its putting the goal actions into motion that are the focus and have often been my failing.  I agree that setting a "punishment" may be effective, however I feel that goes against the "positive" vibe, so I am also setting myself a reward.  Downtown Disney guilt free extravagant purchase.

Random Ponderings - Im quick to anger, that can and has adversely affected relationships I care about.  Many times the emotion is correctly warranted but the intensity is way more than it should be, or needs to be.  Its off putting to others and this flaw needs to be addressed, however for today, its being put on a back shelf, as I believe self care must come first.  

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